Whole-Body Thermography

What is Whole-Body Thermography?
Whole-body thermography is a diagnostic tool that has been a cornerstone of my evaluation of patients for almost a decade. Whether you are in chronic pain, have mysterious fatigue, or are simply looking to STAY healthy, this exam gives me a plethora of information about how your body is functioning.
Rather than simply using an infrared camera to take a picture of the breasts or other body parts and look for hot and cold, whole-body thermography is evaluating how the autonomic nervous system is regulating the whole body—by measuring points before and after a cold stimulus phase. Everything from the sinuses, dental points, chest and breast, stomach, intestinal, liver and pelvic health is assessed.
This type of thermography is a whole-body screening and is based on the physiology of temperature regulation in humans. When an organ is healthy, or functioning optimally, it will respond to cooling stimuli on the skin’s surface. When there are “abnormal” responses we know there is something going on beneath the surface and we can detect changes very early in a disease process by measuring the skin’s temperature with an infrared sensor. Certain temperature patterns may be indicative of underlying irregular body functioning, which we may then decide to investigate further. The test is designed for men, women and children. It is not an imaging device like an MRI, mammogram or ultrasound.
Whole-body thermography has been used in Europe for more than 20 years, and has recently been computerized to make interpretation easier and more accurate. The technology has come a long way in terms of accuracy and reproducible findings. The machine I use is the same one used by Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland and by Dr. Daniel Beilin, who brought this German technology to the U.S. about 30 years ago. For more information, please contact our office.

What can be diagnosed with Whole-Body Thermography?
Breast, ovarian and prostate health can be assessed. This technology also helps me understand possible causes of various chronic disease. This could be lymphatic or blood circulatory problems, latent infections, toxic reactions to food, the presence of intestinal dysbiosis, and possible correlations between dental health and disease. Your ability to detoxify can be estimated by thermometry.
It is a very comprehensive picture of one’s overall health but often times I use blood work to confirm organ function. In other words, it is only one way to look at things but it isn’t going to tell me everything I need to know in many cases.
How does it work?
The autonomic nervous system, which controls automatic body functions, determines circulation to internal organs as well as the skin. It does this by altering the amount of dilation and constriction in blood vessels. Air temperature around the body impacts the nervous system and therefore affects blood flow.
By measuring the temperature of over 100 points on the skin before and after a cold stimulus, we can monitor changes in circulation. The temperature, and the way it changes, tells us about the regulation of the organ and tissues that correlate to the points measured.
What is a session like?
The test is gentle and non-invasive. After adapting to room temperature, the first set of measurements is taken. A ten-minute cooling phase follows before measuring the points a second time. You will be undressed (to your underwear) for the cooling phase and this exam is done by my trained technician who is wonderful. After the results are interpreted, they will be explained during a follow-up appointment.